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慰安婦問題 英文拡散用素材 【拡散希望】




Racism America & Sex Slaves [ 8 TIPS you need to know about Comfort Women before taking sides]





 一九四四年に朝鮮人慰安婦たち二十人へのアメリカ陸軍の尋問調書が収められているのは、他ならぬ米国立公文書館である。調書の「序」にいわく「慰安婦は売春婦、Professional camp followerにすぎない」と。
 オバマ大統領はあろうことか、東京大空襲の「ドーリットル爆撃隊」の隊員に、 議会最高位の勲章を授与する法案に署名した。日本各地の大空襲では無抵抗の赤ん坊や、小学生まで含めて民間人計三十三万人が空襲で殺された。原爆と合わせると七十七万人の非戦闘員が命を落としている。ドーリットル爆撃隊への授章理由は「傑出した勇気」だそうだ。   
 言うも気恥ずかしい初歩のセオリーであるが、しかしその初歩を戦後六十九年間怠って日本は現在のていたらくである。韓国と中国の二重の反日包囲網を更に、アメリカの「反日」が取り囲む。黄色い猿は優秀で、幾つかの幸運はあったにせよ戦後の焼け野原からあっという間に立ち上がり、経済大国となった。ならばカネをむしり取ってやれというわけで、中韓への理不尽なODA、国連へ実権を与えられぬままの出費、などなど金銭面での弱体化が試みられるが、それでも日本はしぶとく、またぞろアメリカは日本殴打を再開、その一環がアンジェリーナ・ジョリの反日映画「UNBROKEN」であろう。日本軍が生きたまま、捕虜の肉を食らったというストーリーで、 これは特派員協会の会員であったN・Yタイムズのニコラス・クリストフという男が「日本兵が中国人の子供を殺して肉を食った」書き散らした捏造と軌を一にする。 ちなみにクリストフの妻は中国人である。 ハリウッドは間歇的に日本貶め映画を市場に出す。だが日本人は、アンジェリーナ・ジョリの来日にファンが群がり、GHQがwar guilt information programに託して刷り込んだ、自虐史観と侮辱に鈍感な感性はいまだ機能している。アメリカが日本人に為したのは、神道の事実的追放である神道指令、学校教科における修身・日本史・地理放逐の「三科指令」であり、日本人はこれにより民族の誇りを抜き取られて現在に至る。言霊の幸わふ瑞穂の国から、その豊穣で美しい言葉が絶えつつある。言葉が痩せることはすなわち国の精神性の貧困を意味する。男系で百二十五代続いた天皇陛下を国の要としつつ、四方の海の要塞に守られて育まれた固有の文化を大事にしたい。言葉を守ることは防衛なのだ。
 いったい、誰が日本を打つ白い手をしているというのか。日本の慰安所は合法で規律正しかった。ちなみに、 一説によると 進駐軍相手には「慰安夫」もいた。(『戦後の日本を知っていますか?―占領軍の日本支配と教化』百瀬孝監修)昭和二一年、名古屋は松坂屋の近く、焼け残った木造アパートに身体検査に合格した数人の若者が集められ、アメリカ女性兵の相手を したとされている 。売買春を、短絡的に女性の人権論に話をすり替える人たちが絶句すると思うので敢えて書いた。安倍政権による河野談話の見直しで形勢不利になったと見るや、韓国は「女性の人権論」に論点を置き換え、慰安所に日本軍が関わっていたと責めているが、売買春がさほど悲惨なら、日本に五万人いる売春婦(韓国・国会国政監査発表)を、早急に救い出しに来て欲しいものである。韓国が売春大国であることは「韓国女性政策研究院」が調査の上で、認めている。
付記 拙稿を書き終えてからしばらくして、朝日新聞が八月五日の朝刊で「慰安婦問題の事実関係に誤りがあった」と認めた。しかし謝罪は無く、英文版では一行も触れず、その上、論点をずらして相変わらず慰安婦をネタに日本を叩く構え。政府はこれだけの環境が整ったのに、(おそらく対韓国対アメリカへの外交配慮から)河野談話の見直しはしないという。やはり国民が覚醒して立ち上がり、この仕組まれた情報という名の戦争を戦うしかない。互いに呼びかけ、手を組み立ち上がろうではないか。




America, a first sudden attack , before hitting Japan. This is a Requiem for many Okichi,

Women which were sacrificed by the American military.

The City Council Member of Shimoda-city, Shizuoka

 Tomiyo Takahashi


Since I was born and spent my childhood in Shimoda, I feel a particular affection for America.


Ever since I was a child, I saw the festival of Kurohune, and America appeared in my daily life like a crew of sailors, and sometimes like an Ambassador. When I grew up, even though I recognized the Second World War, which had been placed the trap from America, I was not able to refuse my admiration for it. When I was more older the prototypical experience of the sea roar and the Black Ship Festival of the Gulf of Sagami interested me so much.


But suddenly my admiration collapsed in April 25, 2014, when I heard the President


Obama talks in a conference in Seoul with President Park Geun-hye,


my unrequited love was over, this love was the same feeling that many Japanese had for America. America, a country of justice, successful, fertile, loud and clear and in addiction the famous home of movies and drama.


"It is an extreme violation of human rights", Obama began to talk like that, "The rights of the Comfort women should be respected." "Japan recognize the past more honestly and truly" and he said too; "President Abe and Japanese people have already known it".


In the U.S. National Archives in that was stored the interrogatory of the U.S. army about 20 Korean comfort women in 1944. It is written on the preface of archives, “comfort women are just prostitutes (Professional Camp follower).”


But it don’t represent the truth for President Obama. It appeared brusquely in front of me, that despite all Japanese and Koreans and it is liking crush insects for him.


He said that it was “disappointment”, when Prime Minister Abe visited the Yasukuni Shrine, I already felt sense of incongruity about U.S. ,which opened the court of Tokyo trial. They should known what kind of war crimes “a class A”. In brief, it was the war crime of the fabrication.


  If Japan won, a large quantity of war crimes was commit in the United States. However, I avoided to doubt which budded. I think that there was a potential sense of fear about the Japan-the U.S. alliance, when the crucial defense crumbled away. In addition, as Pavlov's dog breaking, it would be stenciled over 70 years after the War from Japan Teachers Union, and NHK which was under control of GHQ those days. “Don’t oppose at Mr. United States, if we take opposition we don’t have a good food, because will be stuck, and this could be terrible.”.


However, I was forced to understand that President of United States snuggled up to Korea so plainly, and hate Japan. It was the moment when collapsed the foundation of the earth, and was the moment when I noticed the existence of the split until two time;


The first when I was a conservative pro-American. That the American potency always covert the overhead of Japan.


And the second period when the Japanese begin to know the truth of the history of Japan, the truth that America wants to hide, America snaps and intimidate, when rising in order that Japanese people want to become independent, this horsewhip hitting them on head.


President Obama, incredibly, subscribed a bill to award a medal of higher grade of parliament to the members of the troop Doolittle. By the several riots in various places of Japan, including in a baby and primary school child 330.000 total civilian ware murdered. And by the atom bomb, in total 770.000 non soldiers lost their life. The prize that they won was the title, to the Doolittle bombing corps is “prominent courage”


An obstinate attack of China and South Korea to Japan and the source of anti-Japan, eventually attributes to the Japanese, is weakening from a policy of the Tokyo trial and GHQ. About the regulation of the mass media (press cord) that the Occupation Forces submitted the Japanese media, the government puts under the prohibition the critical ideas to the Allied Forces. The Japanese should regard the meaning that forbade criticism, especially about Korea. The approving to the Korean living in Japan, and they must overlook The policy about the crime, as Trojan horse to multiply them by oneself, it buried in Japan. The “Korea Occupation Forces” acceptance is one example. I don’t say at a discriminatory standpoint, but we don’t cover up the real facts of the history. We in this direction don’t see the development of Japan. The power and the technique of GHQ substituted secretly the South Korean as the Japanese victim, who fought practically as the Japanese.


In order not to cause a criticism of a slave employment country from the world, the United States needed to make Japan the bad fellow more than its own country. Japan doesn’t have the history of a slave system, but “the colonization”, the denouncement of the Korean Peninsula were the same terrible crimes. At Tokyo Trial, the fiction which made Korean into the slavery world was secretly


replaced as nonfiction. Massacred the Indians, took the land, push about slaves, treated a coolie like oxen and horses, it was the United States to have done them. The downfall of the Kingdom of Hawaii is also an act of the United States.


  The important meaning of the earlier war is Japan that broke up with the previous actions committed in the first world and that till then the white treated the people of color as animals and coveted an excessive profit. The victory of the war of Japan-China, Japan-Russo for whites that the yellow monks accomplished something should be shocked. They hated and were frightened. They stared execution the monkey of “Plain Soleil” that have intellect and culture. And when they felled themselves again, beat the monkeys and they broke the arms and feet of monkey for not able to stand up.


Note that the 1st Article of the inspection of the occupation army includes “the criticism to GHQ have drafted the Constitution of Japan”. This is a subject to let the cat out of the bag these days about the ideas of Constitutional amendment although is noisy, the Allied Forces are confessing unexpectedly in the form of a Press code in the Allied Forces. We drafted the Constitution of Japan for Japanese weakening, therefore, do not criticize. Then, a constitutional amendment is a way not to be able to avoid, if Japan wants to be an independence nation.


There is also next article on the press code, “don’t report the relation between occupation army and Japanese women”. Maybe , includes the relations, about the rape to the Japanese women by the United States soldiers. There were many of this cases. What I feel here, I would have to prevent the frequent rape , that happened in that period by United States soldiers to Okichi in Japan.


In the Allied Forces, were a little corps Australia and British soldiers, too, because the overwhelming majority was a United States soldiers. I think that this crimes happened because is permitted to group together with all military group, especially United States solider.


The number of outbreak of the rape was controlled, because they risk their life and they caught the soldiers in the army of the U.S.A.


The U.S. which was stationed in Japan have required at first the comfort station was setting, it was required every place in Japan. An historical materials to be known as “Chiba official document”


on September 5, 1945, it is written the details that it was installed the comfort station for the 112th


Armed Forces cavalry soldier regiment, which landed at Tateyama.


I'm not hypocrite so as to get angry with it. Young soldiers who estranged from the other sex for a long time, there fury of desire that is a male impulse as the animal. Since do not admitted this


openly, the lie of the high-sounding statement of the United. States with many Puritans distorts the essence of things. The comfort station which was established in Japan be called “association of spare time entertainment” or well known in American style, it was a brothel. The U.S.Forces do not recognize prostitution facilities publicly, therefore, there would be nothing.


What at first the America Occupation Forces in Japan demanded to Japan, it was setting of the station comfort.


The special correspondent Mark Gain of the Chicago Sun paper, manipulated the movement of the comfort station and said, “the plot of Japan which is going to decompose the U.S. Forces. The arm are alcohol and women, and the purpose substituted for Occupation Forces' morale and destructive of the occupation policy”. He don’t mention that during occupation period, the Japanese murder by the U.S. soldier is an average of 350 persons and the rapes more than 1000 persons every year (by the Procurement Agency). 100,000 people died by the terrible hand of Tokyo-air raid, he reduced that “6,000”. What a kind hypocrisy and lies!


Association of Foreign Correspondent was base for the transmission of information, the Consutitution is still valid. “Comfort station” was soon blocked; opposition from Mrs. Roosevelt was the cause. For her “cleanness” the rape increases again in the public, the general Japanese women became the victim.


feel sadness and anger for the nameless Okichi of large number of people. Because all the people override their sacrifice and their choice to risking life only for protect the virtue of the Japanese women, and apart from the dirtiness of their hands, condemn Japan one-sidedly. What was it the sacrifice that they paid for?


The large number of Okichi that lays in various parts of Japan to prevent the violence to the Japanese women from the U.S. soldier. The U.S. don’t want to see this horrible condition and so has decided that this Japanese women are never existed. But I do not permit it. I will continue to write about they, and their real story


Japanese people say that they did having done it sometimes, only in a particular case. Kouno statement is it. The figure to which a good person is troubled with entanglement in his own net is Japan. The spiritualism of Japan which has a base in Shintoism carries out “straight forward” right, and make honesty into a purport. They aren’t a particular responsibility of another person. Let that the past is past, repay a favor with a favor. Although civil persons were killed by the massive air raid and the atomic bomb, they does not point out to an ally repeatedly. The simplicity is a Japanese characteristic. But the American and the other countries have different mind. For self-interest and the concealment of the blame, betray a partner without thinking. Even if it observe, it doesn’t feel the necessity to help them. It doesn’t consider the sensitivity of Japanese people but the important thing is oppose the enemy. The foreign country is dishonest and wicked.


It is elementary theory that is shameful, however, the first step was neglected for 70 years after the War, and it is the current wretched state. The double anti-Japan encircling net of South Korea and China, further, encloses anti-Japan of the United States. The yellow monkeys are excellent, even if there was lucky. From the burnt-out area by the War stand up now one of the major economic power. Then, to tear off money, unreasonable ODA to China and South Korea, expenses without the real power to the United Nations, such as the weakening on the money are intended, Japan is obstinate, the United States resumed Japanese assault.


Some months ago, an important movie directed by Angelina Jolie, a particular movie to explicate the anti-japan lines, “Unbroken”. Talks about the story of a Japanese soldier that after tragic air incident, spend over 70 days into a small ship before to be captured. This is only a falsity pronounced by a man, Nicolas Cristoff at New York Times.


He was a member of the Special Correspondent Association scribbled and one day said “ the Japanese soldier killed the Chinese child and consumed his meat.” Incidentally, Cristoff's wife is a Chinese. Hollywood takes out sometimes a movie insulting Japan to a market. However, fans gathered around the visit to Japan of Angelina Jolie,


This , insensible sensitivity is still functioning on the masochistic view of history and insult which GHQ entrusted and inserted the War Guilt Information Program.


What the United States formed in Japan is the Shinto Directive, which banished Shintoism. In addition, these department instructed about three subject over japan; Japanese history, and geography and explosion in school culture of Japanese nation . By this, Japanese people have racial pride extracted and continue up to now.


The powerful and beautiful word of japan was suspended with the kingdom of Mizuho, which was prosper only the point of the spirit of language. The language getting sterility over the country, exactly, like the poverty of the spiritualism of the nation . While was assumed the Majesty the Emperor who lasted 125 generations in a male line the pivot potency of the country, I would like to prize the peculiar culture protected and cherished in the fort of sea on all sides. Protecting the precious language.


The earlier Korean comfort women of the U.S. soldier partner in the Korean War, brought a clothes against the Korean Government this June. President Geun-hye and the United States will have to resort at their good sense. Ironically, Park Chung-hee, ex-president who father of Presdent Park Geun hye, he has opened the comfort station. The U.S. soldier have embraced the comfort women. Although Korean at the time the Vietnam War, there is the fact, which carried out abuse, massacre a local women as “the sex slaves”.


Who does a fair hand to hit Japan? The Japanese comfort station was legal and orderly.


In this connection, according to another view, Occupation Army had as the partner “the consolation men”, too. (『Do you know after War World II ?---Control and enlightenment of the occupation army in Japan』supervision by Takashi Momose)


In 1946 near the Matsuzakaya of Nagoya, in the wooden apartment which remained unburned, some youths who passed a physical checkup were gathered and kept the American female soldier company. Since it thought that people who substitute dealing spring for a female human-rights theory secretly simplistically break up, it dared to have written.


By the review of the Kouno statement by the Abe Administration, it concludes that it became situation disadvantage.


South Korea remarks the special point of argument to female human rights, although they blame Japan when the Japanese military was concerned with the comfort station.


If prostitution is so miserable for women , why nobody doesn’t come to rescue immediately the prostitute? (the announcement of South Korea Parliament Government Inspection) who are present in Japan with 50,000 persons.


“Korean woman policy research institute “admits that is a large country of the prostitution under investigation.


In order to suggest the Stranger Okichi in my local town Shimoda, there was largely described, since it had decided that the comfort women issue was my lifework, but comfort woman issue is the projectingly intelligible and the negative signs of the United States. The United States should accept this cruel reality. The U.S. didn’t this crime only in japan


The several installations of the comfort station that the U.S. Forces, did the Normandy leading , however, the U.S., refused this truth. It had been said this horrible thing “was impossible walk the street without met the rape committed by the U.S. soldiers.”


America, look your own dirty hand, if you want to hit, hit with those hand. It is incredible when an innocence put a hand on the Bible and swear, face in front of face about the crime of the comfortable woman. Japan fights for honor of oneself and their grandfather and father. We must never give up.


However, a breakaway from the history Tokyo Trial may has a limit on a Government-level. The Kouno statement review of the Abe Administration was a crushing blow in Korea and the United States. Then why not leave the Kouno statement, or the Diet will summon Youhei Kouno. As regards the second of the two cases, they say it was not called, for the reason that is unconvinced, that is “there is no previous example”. I guess that is consideration to the United States or it is pressure from the United States. A clear thing is only one, for a certain reason, it is that the Government is wavering to the United States. Then the people grow up, and only mention voice. Even if is the United States cannot suppress the voice of the people of Japan.


Don't rely on the government, rise up by oneself, and fight! It is not “nationalism” that some people is afraid. I only say that will become an average country which we stand by ourself and we can protected by ourself.


I have some concrete plans, for example the execution of the animated cartoon. For example “A bamboo forest far away, the war experience of a Japanese girl, Youko”, it is starting this production by the private, and rise contributions, that action will become a big question. No way is better use of the technology and popularity of animated cartoon for pour a Japanese disgrace and introduce the truth into the world. About the Senkaku Islands the money gathered so much, if a movie makes a hit, can recover it. If we get a profit, we will be able to design the next cartoon. The concrete plan leave it out, but I will move to this.


Additional remark; When I have finished writing this article, after a short time Asahi-Shimbun recognized in the morning paper on August 5, “misinformation about the relation of fact of the reality comfort women in Korea.”


However, there is no apology, does not wrote one line with the English version, moreover, sift a point of view, seeks to condemn Japan as usual. All these condition was complete, but the Government will not make the revision of the speech of Kouno. (Probably it is from diplomatic consideration to South Korea and the United States). In conclusion, the nation would be awake, stand up and take some concrete action.


The nation should be fight the war in name of this important information and called other patriots to help us to fight for the truth.


And let us combine forces!


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