韓国人がコメ欄に来ました 竹島問題ですね ハングルが文字化けで読めないけど 皆に拡散を呼びかけている定型文らしい
당신의 주장은 알았습니다.
그 자신이 있는 것이라면 국제재판소에서 당당하게 싸웁시다.
한국의 교육이 아무리(어떻게) 삐뚤어져 있는 것일지 알 것이로.
날조 역사는 필경 가짜로밖에 없습니다.
자랑을 가지는 것이라면 진실을 보세요.
1. 1905 년 이전에 한국 조선이 다케시마를 실효 지배하고 역사적인 사실은 존재하지 않는다.
2. 1905 년 일본에 의한 독도 편입은 국제법 절차에 완전히 일치하고있다.
3. 대전 후 1951 년 샌프란 시스코 강화 조약에서 연합국은 독도를 일본 영토로화할 결정을 내렸다.
4이 국위적인 결정은 러스크 문서 등 외교 문서는 미국 정부가 한국 정부에 공지되어 있었지만, 한국은이 결정을 무시하고 1952 년부터 독도 불법 점거를 계속하고있다.
1. 1905年以前に韓国・朝鮮が竹島を実効支配した歴史的事実は存在しません。(竹島を描いた地図すら存在しない。)
2. 1905年の日本による竹島編入は国際法の手続きに完全に合致しています。
3. 第二次大戦後、1951年サンフランシスコ講和条約にて、連合国は竹島を日本領としてとどめる決定をしました。
4. この国際的な決定はラスク文書等の外交文書により、合衆国政府から韓国政府に告知されましたが、韓国はこの決定を無視して、1952年李承晩ラインを一方的に引き、竹島の不法占拠を続けています。
This territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea over Takeshima(Dokdo) is quite simple.
1. There is no historical fact that Korea had ever exercised any "effective control" over the islets prior to 1905.
2. Japan officially incorporated the islets in 1905 strictly following the procedures prescribed in the International law.
3. After the WW2, the Allies determined that Takeshima/Dokdo should remain as Japanese territory in the San Francisco Peace Treaty in 1951.
4. Though the South Korean government had been informed of the determination by the U.S. government in those diplomatic documents like "Rusk documents", they ignored this international determination and started occupying the islets illegally from 1952.
Translated by http://www.youtube.com/user/ChousenShireibu
For Ass’t Sec’y Parsons from MacArthur
for Ambassador McConaughy
Now that we have prospect of new and democratic regime in
I strongly recommend that as soon as possible we seize opportunity to try to bring about durable solution to ROK-Japan dispute. As long as Rhee held power there seemed little chance of any solution but now we have entirely new situation which could lead to liquidation of ROK-Japan controversy. Implications of ROK-Japan dispute are not just bilateral between GOJ and ROK but deeply and directly involve US and our inescapable solution is to be found it will be produced only by our good offices and working closely with both ROK and GOJ. It is of utmost importance that we identify and be prepared to move swiftly for solution those specific ROK-GOJ problems which prevented progress toward basic settlement this festering dispute. We do not know what response Communists may make to new ROK regime and it is vital we try to put ROK-GOJ house in order as soon as possible.
While Rhee regime violated most basic tenets of democracy in authoritarian police rule imposed on Korean people, it has also in past done violence to most fundamental principles of international conduct and morality by committing acts of piracy on high seas around Rhee Line and then imprisoning and holding as political hostages Japanese fishermen and by seizing and holding non-Korean territory by force. The uncivilized practice of hostage diplomacy is one of our serious charges against Communist China and if continued by ROK it will be a great liability to a new democratic ROK regime.
I therefore recommend strongly that as soon as new regime is in control in Korea (whether or noti it be of interim character) we use all our influence to persuade it (1) to release and return to Japan all repeat all Japanese fishermen hostages (including those who have not completed their sentences) who have suffered so cruelly from Rhee’s uncivilized and oppressive acts and (2) to cease practice of seizing Japanese fishing vessels on high seas. This would not only rid new ROK reegime of liability of practicing hostage diplomacy but also more than anything else would lay foundation in Japan for really fruitful negotiations. At same time I would be prepared to press Kishi and GOJ most strongly that in return for repatriation of all fishermen, Japanese would exercise self-restraint in their fishing operations in Korean Straits until reasonable opportunity had been given for negotiation of mutually agreed ROK-Japan fishing conservation agreement.
In addition to seizing Japanese boats on high seas and practicing hostage diplomacy, Rhee regime also seized by force and is holding illegally
which has always been considered as Japanese territory. This is very serious and permanent irritant in Japan-ROK relations and there can be no over-all ROK-Japan settlement until this Japanese island is returned to
. Therefore we should also press new ROK regime to return Takeshima to
. If it is unwilling to do so pending satisfactory conclusion of over-all ROK-Japan negotiations, new regime should at least signify a willingness to withdraw from Takeshima as part of mutually satisfactory settlement of other outstanding issues between two countries. While we should press strongly for return of Takeshima to Japan, if by any chance new regime were unwilling to do so we should, as very minimum, insist that they agree to submit matter to International Court of Justice for arbitration.
Finally, we should inform new regime very clearly that it must be prepared to adjust its relations with
on terms of reciprocity, in such matters as diplomatic missions, visits by businessmen and journalists, commercial trade. Japanese have suffered Rhee’s occupation-minded approach for eight years and will be unwilling to accept such indefensible treatment from his successor. In its own interests, new regime should start with conformity with normal international standards of conduct, and could most usefully begin (in terms of Japanese and other free world opinion) by permitting Japanese diplomatic mission to enter and function in ROK on same terms ROK Embassy operates here.
If we now move swiftly with new ROK regime which should generally be receptive to our views because of our helpfulness, we may have initial opportunity, which may never reoccur, to influence its position on Japan-ROK problem. Japanese would certainly welcome warmly and reciprocate fully, measures indicating new ROK regime willing take “new look” at
秘蔵映像40年前の竹島(Japanese territory TAKESHIMA )(1/2)
秘蔵映像40年前の竹島(Japanese territory TAKESHIMA )(2/2)
【韓国】竹島問題をあの人が解説 1
在日韓国人が語る 犯罪国家 韓国
韓国人留学生の嘆きの手記 悲しい悲しい国・韓国
他国の食文化に吉は挟まないけれど、嫉妬という高給な勘定すら有する犬を、苦痛を与えるほうが身が引き締まると称して徐々に撲殺。韓国料理の世界進出を目論んでいる韓国だが、犬鍋を宣伝しないのはなぜ? 恥ずかしく後ろめたいからではないのか?